Awards that my Site has won

Awards (premi) assegnati al mio sito

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Dear Sebastiano,


We applaud your site's ease of navigation, obvious hard work, talent, and enlightening content. It is with great pleasure that we give you the Art Award.

This award is from Canada.


Lynne Miller




Arte nel Web has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2002-2003 Golden Web Award.

The International Association of Web Masters and Designers



On having your site selected to received the
"2001-2002 Golden Web Award"

The International Association of Web Masters and Designers







Your website, “Arte nel Web” has been selected as a featured site in StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the Web by our researchers.

StudyWeb is one of the Internet's premier sites for educational resources for students and teachers. Since 1996, our expert reviewers have scoured the Internet to select only the finest sites to be included in StudyWeb's listing of educational links.

Each site in StudyWeb includes a detailed review describing its editorial and visual merits.

The prestigious 'StudyWeb® Academic Excellence Award' icon, is only offered to sites included in the StudyWeb® directory

Thanks, and again, congratulations!


Lesile Kenny

Director of Educational Research StudyWeb®, Division of Lightspan, Inc.




We took a tour of your web site and feel that your site meets the criteria of our          

Web Author's Choice Award...Congratulations!



You may place this AWARD on your site because you are THE choosen ONE of the week 51

Year 2000


Congratulations!!!!  You have been selected to receive the"Intune Web Site Award"  for outstanding excellence in your web page design.


Good luck and continued success with your  site!

Richard Laces



Your web-site has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2000-2001 Golden Web Award from

The International Association of Web Masters and Designers


Gentile Amico di Qualità italiana,

i nostri tecnici hanno visionato attentamente il tuo sito, e, dopo averne verificato l'effettivo valore da un punto di vista grafico ma soprattutto contenutistico, hanno ritenuto opportuno assegnarti il nostro "AWARD di qualità".

Siamo quindi lieti di complimentarci personalmente con te per il tuo lavoro!

Ancora complimenti per il tuo sito e buon lavoro!

Best regards,

Staff - Divisione Qualità Italiana.


Majon Web

Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site!

It is with great pride that we announce that your web site is the WINNER of our esteemed Majon Web Select "SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD"


The Web Select Team


Salve !

La visita del nostro Inspector Design ha attribuito al Suo sito un punteggio superiore a quello da noi richiesto e pertanto può fregiarsi del nostro simbolo di





..I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into the site and have to congratulate you on an outstanding achievement in web site design, both in appearance and content. Your site is truly an exceptional presence on the web, that reflects the highest standards of creativity and professionalism. Excellent quality of content and ease of navigation. Very very well designed.

..I've always enjoyed the fine arts and visiting art galleries and museums the world over and your site was an especially pleasant place on the web to visit.

Ben Ciolczynski


Hi ,

Your site has been given a 5-star review rating by our WebGuide Review team!

Whew...what can I say, this site is extensive. With thousands of links to all kinds of art sites this is a definite bookmark for anyone with interest in the arts. Very business like in appearance it is easy to navigate. Well done.

Jan Petterson,

JP's WebZine



Congratulations !!......

Your site definitely qualifies for the"Critical Mass Award".

A very nice site, excellent design, beautiful original graphics, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web.

Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit.
I really enjoyed my visit to your site ....... :)

Cheers,...Bill Darling


This Oscar Award is given to the site “Arte nel web” for content, design, and easy access of information







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